Friday, July 20, 2012

Three is a Crowd

Three is a Crowd

There is a certain peacefulness that exists in the country side of Chernarus . You could literally wander around for days admiring the country side, the cows, and the occasional infected in the road way and still not find a single person on your travels. Its easy to become complacent and careless in the wilderness, you might find your self forgetting to scan the tree line or wandering though a field. These mistakes can cause your death because survival out here is all about who spots who first.

I was heading east from Devils Castle taking a rather lazy and loopy route towards the NE Airfield. I decided a stop at the Pobeda Dam to refill my water bottles and enjoy the lake atmosphere. The Pobeda Dam is not on most maps, it is north east of Gvozdno tucked between the rolling hills of the north. Surprisingly enough it is one of the bigger lakes in Chernarus, and it even has its own low yield warehouse building. After filling my bottles I started heading south east. My goal was to climb the top of Ostry to get a better look at the town of Krasnostav before descending to the NE Airfield. As I was leaving the Pobeda Dam I heard a faint “pop.” I froze, “That sounded like gun fire” I thought to my self. But it was so faint it could have been any number of things...Perhaps it was the sound of me stepping on a twig or just some background noise. I kept quiet for a few more seconds and then I heard it again. “Bang” “Bang.” The distinct sound of a Enfield being fired in the distance.

I instantly remembered seeing the warehouse on the map. They must be there! I started backtracking towards the mouth of the dam. As I drew near I dropped to my knees and began to crawl towards a knoll that overlooked the warehouse roughly 135 meters away. As I crested the hill I could see dead infected around the perimeter of the warehouse, and just as I looked, a person darted from one side of the warehouse to the other. I quickly scanned the surroundings and to my surprise I saw a second person on the opposite hill in the prone position looking down at the same warehouse. Was this guy friendly with the guy in the warehouse? Or was he attracted to the area because he too heard the shots from a distance? From the looks of it, it seemed like he may be hostile to the person currently in the warehouse. I zeroed my M24 and took aim at his head. 

As I was pulling the trigger my target moved slightly causing the round that was aimed at his head to strike him in the shoulder. Blood sprayed from his body, but because I had missed his head I quickly fired off one more shot, killing my target. I scoped back to the warehouse and observed my surroundings for the next 30 seconds. No change, no sign of the other person in the warehouse. As the seconds ticked by I decided it was time to move, pulling out my 1911 I cautiously moved towards the warehouse using the hill as cover. Peeking in the building I saw no signs of people. I had watched the building, so I was sure that he had not escaped. I decided he most likely logged off and worked my way to the downed survivor that I had just murdered. 

After looting the body I re-corrected my course and began to head towards the NE Airfield as previously planned. Having crossed a field and made it into a treeline I noticed a survivor at my 7 O clock sprinting towards me about 300 meters away. I dove into nearby bush and watched him continuing to run. He was running in the same direction as me clutching an Enfield rifle and had failed to notice me. Could this be the guy from the warehouse? Or is it just a random person? I waited until he was at my 11 O clock and then fired. 

My first shot missed, hitting the dirt slightly in front of him. I adjusted and fired again the round hit him in his back bringing him to the ground. I fired once more for good measure. 

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