Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Fresh Start

Escape from Elektrozavodsk

On the island of Chernarus there are few better spawning locations than Elektro or Cherno for fast tracking yourself away from the cost line. The high probability of weapons, food, drinks, and gear makes it an ideal place to get all your pre adventure gear. But your stay at any one of the big cities in Chernarus may be short lived because with the fantastic loot comes people who are more often hostile then friendly. So time is working against you, if you are fortunate enough to spawn at one of these locations you need to get in, get your supplies, and head for the hills. And that is exactly what I did.

The respawn was as just like any other. I woke up daised and confused on the docks of Elektrozovodsk. To the west the sun was beginning to set and I realized that in a few hours it might become too dark to see...I had a lot of work to do, and a short amount of time to do it. I needed a few key items
  1. A weapon
  2. Food and Drink
  3. Medical Supplies
  4. A bigger bag

Sprinting to the main part of the city is always my favorite part, by the end of it you have an entourage of infected following you, but they are not really a problem as long as you keep moving and weave though/around a few buildings...silly zombies...tricks are for kids. My first target was the west fire station. Hoping to score big, I stumbled in the front entrance with only 3 infected on my tail. I was met with the sight of several dead bodies near the stair case both human and infected. Someone had been here before me...well several people had been here before me but 3 of them had not been so lucky.

When you see a dead person or dead infected, questions start popping in your head. Questions like: how did this person die? Where is the person that shot them? And is this place safe? Every fiber of your being is telling you to run. My eyes darted all over the fire station, I saw a Lee Enfield rifle still being held by a dead Ex-survivor. I grabbed it and wasted no time, I was out of there.

The Lee Enfield is one hell of a gun, it uses a massive .303 round that will kill any infected or player in one shot. On the down side, it serves as a beacon to every zombie in a considerable area when fired. The noise it produces alerts everything to your exact position. You never fire just once with the Enfield, you often find your self fighting waves of infected off afterward.

The Turning Point

I had escaped the fire station and had looped around the city making my way north past the hospital heading to the grocery store. The goal was to find food and drinks before heading further north. As always I was in full sprint with a few of my flesh hungry buddies in pursuit when I turned the corner into the store and found 2 well armed humans standing over the body of a not-so-fortunate survivor. These two survivors were decked out more then the average survivor. Both had AKMs and ALICE packs, but what exactly happened here? Did these guys kill this person? Did they just stumble upon the body and are actually friendly? Too many questions and not enough answers and certainly not enough time. There are a few rules to live by in Chernarus, and one of them is always shoot first if given the chance. I pulled up my rifle and fired at the first guy hitting him square in the chest. His body crumpled to the ground discharging several rounds from his AKM in the process. As he was falling to the ground I re aimed my sights on the second survivor who was still inspecting the dead body. I fired again hitting this guy in the head. He fell backwards, blood clearly gushing from his freshly sustained wound. A quick scan of the surrounding area allowed me to determine that these two appeared to be working alone, but the supermarket was still a high threat area. Infected were closing in from all sides because of the Enfield's superior sound profile and other players in the area might have been attracted to the noise of gun fire. I ran to one of the downed survivors stripping anything of value off of him AKM with 4 mags...I need that, M1911...yes please, ALICE pack...It would be rude to say no, and a full tool belt...hell yeah.

After the short transaction I bolted out the back of the supermarket heading north leaving Elektrozavodsk for hopefully a long, long time.

This is how my story begins.

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