Friday, July 13, 2012

The Sound of Death

Location: Berezino apartment buildings south of the military camp
Time: 1200 hours
Conditions: Clear/Cloudy

Berezino is one of the larger towns in Chernarus, located on the east coast north of Solnichniy but south of the NE airfield. It boasts a hospital and 2 supermarkets! Yeah take that Elektro! Along with these amenities it has a hand full of medium yield residential buildings that I was in the process of scouring for ammo. The fire fight at Solnichniy the night before had left me with just 1 mag for my CZ550 and not being brave enough to look for ammo in Elektro or Cherno I decided that Berezino would be my destination of choice.

I left the tree line west of the city moving cautiously towards the city to avoid detection from both infected and human elements. Entering the city went relatively smoothly and only had 1 altercation with an infected at the bottom of the cluster of apartment buildings. I drew him into a building a let him have it with the M1911. As he fell to the floor I paused for a second and listened to see if any infected had been attracted by the disturbance. All was quiet, so far so good. Searching the body I found a CZ550 clip, presto! “This is why I'm here” I thought to myself. I climbed the stairs of the apartment building cautiously, as not to alert anyone near by. At the top floor I found 2 more CZ clips, along with some much needed soda. I was just about to go to the next building when I heard a audible CRACK followed by the sound of agitated infected. I froze, my senses went in overdrive, I was not alone in Berezino.

A few moments later more gun fire erupted from north of my position, crab walking to the window I drew out my CZ550. I peaked up over the window and saw 3 survivors entering the abandoned military camp 200 meters north of my position. Even though the odds were 3 to 1, I had the element of surprise on my side, but in order for this to work, I would need to fire at the right time. If I fired too early and I might not be able to eliminate a target and then I would have hoards of infected to deal with along with 2 or 3 armed survivors hunting me down. If I waited too long then I might lose track of the targets and be endanger when I tried to leave the city. So I waited and observed.

The 3 survivors finished off the infected that were in their general area, one had a Winchester the other had an AKM by the looks of it. They each split up going to different tents. I picked a target and watched him move towards the western most tent. Anxiously waiting for an opportunity to take the shot. I was hoping that because he was investigating a far away tent that the other 2 would finish searching their tents and regroup on him before he finished. I watched him slowly enter the tent while his buddies were still picking up loot. As the seconds ticked by it began to dawn on me that his friends were not going to regroup on him, and as he emerged from the tent I realized it was now or never. I fired twice hitting him both times in the side.

 As he crumpled over the roar of infected, now alerted to my presence, was becoming a bigger treat. I quickly scoped over to the other tent that his buddy was in to try my luck once more. Partially obstructed by the camo-netting, I could barely make out movement in the tent. His buddy had gone prone, gun facing towards the entrance of the tent. I could see his ALICE pack and head from this distance and decided to take one more shot. I fired once more hitting him in the head killing him instantly.

It was time to leave, the sound of infected slowing marching up my stair case was now the only thing going though my head. I pulled out my M1911 and started to sprint down the stairs. My plan was to escape the same way I came in. I would attempt to make it into the tree line and head south putting as much distance between this place as quickly as possible. As I got close to the bottom I started firing at the wall of infected massing out side, blowing my way though the infected with brute force. As their bodies fell to the floor I advanced stepping right over them. Finally blasting my way out side I broke into a dead sprint to the north west, an entourage of infected chasing behind me. After hoping 2 fences I was able to lose all but one of my flesh hungry friends. I glanced back at the city to make sure I was not being followed, to my horror I saw the 3rd survivor chasing after me with his own pack of infected in hot pursuit. The situation just turned south. He was trailing about 200 meters behind me, and because I was running taking out the sniper rifle was not an option. It would be nearly impossible to get an accurate shot after running for so long. My heavy breathing would cause the scope to jump around making it difficult to even keep the target in my sights. I had to do something and fast, there was an upcoming bush and it offered just the kind of momentary cover that I needed. I ran past it putting the bush between me and him breaking visual contact. I spun around killing the infected that was after me and waited for the survivor to run past the bush. Sure enough a few seconds later he sprinted past at which point I was surprised to see that he was completely unarmed. As a general rule I don’t usually kill unarmed players because they don’t pose a direct threat, but seeing as this survivor was running at me with a pack of infected following him, I made an exception.

I opened up on him, franticly firing my M1911. I managed to hit him twice sending him crashing to the ground. He was incapacitated and unable to pursue me. “Good enough” I thought and begin sprinting to the tree line. I could hear him screaming as I ran off due to infected chomping sizable chucks out of his flesh. What a terrible way to die, but right now it was not my problem. The escape plan that I had envisioned from the apartments had turned into a full blown charlie foxtrot. This was far from a clean get way.

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